Total Share Capital Notification

19th November 2020 - 11:39 am

The following replaces the ‘Total Share Capital Notification’ announcement released on 30 September 2020 at 7.01am (BST) under RNS No 5041A.

In Section 2 below the reference to “Share Options in whole or part” should have stated 25,640,254 not 15,703,942.


1. Information to be provided for on the basis of Article 15, §1, al. 1


Total of share capital (nominal value):£ 24,628,580
Total number of shares with existing voting rights (= denominator) – one vote per share:246,285,805
2. Additional information to be provided on the basis of Article 15, §1, al. 2


In respect to the announcement on 11 June 2020: “Investment from two specialist US healthcare investors”

Convertible Securities (in whole or in part) into ordinary shares currently outstanding.

The total conversion would result in an equal number of voting rights

Share options (in whole or in part)

The exercise of the options would result in the creation of an equal number of ordinary shares and voting rights.


In respect to the announcements on 30 March 2020: “Subscription to raise £1.5m” and 2 September 2020 “Placing to raise £6.5m”
Warrants over ordinary shares (in whole or in part)

The exercise of the warrants would result in the creation of an equal number of ordinary shares and voting rights

Other outstanding rights to subscribe ordinary shares as detailed in the Annual Report 2019 (Report and consolidated financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2019)
Share options (in whole  or in part)

The exercise of the options would result in the creation of an equal number of ordinary shares and voting rights


For the full amended text click here

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