2014 European Lupus Conference Athens
23rd April 2014 - 4:23 pmImmuPharma Sponsors the 2014 European Lupus Conference Sylviane Muller Presentation Date: 24 April 2014
About the European Lupus Meeting: 2014
This is the premier European Lupus Meeting with approximately 800 physicians of various disciplines nurses and patients.
The scientific program includes basic, translational and clinical sessions as well as original research to be presented by an international faculty of opinion leaders in lupus. In addition to the main program, there will be a program for patients coordinated by Lupus Europe, the European lupus patient organization.
Attendees come to the meeting to be updated in the latest developments, including the products, services and treatments available in the marketplace. The meeting also includes satellite symposia and other lupus-related educational and promotional activities.
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